Community and Rehab Care - Community Living / June 24, 2022
Michael has been in his new apartment for a year and a half. As a parent, I think I learned that even though Michael is very social, when he is home, there are times that he likes to his own space. Michael’s new place at Y Street is beautiful on the outside, and the staff has done an incredible job with his apartment on the inside. Michael has his own room. He has his own TV and a nice closet. The bathroom has been adapted for his physical special needs. His living room area has a “car” theme, and the kitchen and luncheon areas have been adapted to meet his needs.
Above and beyond all the work that has been done to make Michael’s space accommodating, for me it is the work of the staff. At first, I was a little reluctant to share so much with the staff concerning Michael’s needs. What I learned is that they wanted to hear information and they needed to have updates from him and me. I feel like we have a team that is constantly working on what next for improving Michael’s life. I feel very fortunate to find this team and this place. It is a perfect fit for Michael!
Casey Karges
Parent and Guardian of ResCare Community Living Client Michael
Filed under: Community and Rehab Care - Community Living, Media Hub