BrightSpring Health Services / June 23, 2022
BrightSpring is proud to announce that we received the Homecare Homebase (HCHB) Hospice KPI Excellence award, which looks at care/visits provided at the end of life. We are performing in the top 5% of all of the HCHB hospice customers nationally.
“Cindy [Koss] and I talked at length about ways we could help our staff not miss subtle signs of decline in our patients that indicate how quickly the end of their life was approaching,” said Ashley Jones, RN, CHPN, National Director of Hospice Education.
“Although we can’t pinpoint an exact date and time, we know from research that everyone experiences a similar process as our bodies prepare to exit this world just like everyone experiences a similar process as we enter this world. This thought brought us to develop the End-of-Life Risk Assessment which contains the most common signs of decline we see in our patients. It’s a weighted assessment that keeps score as the nurses select the signs they see their patients exhibit. At the end of the assessment, the computer system tells the nurse if their patient is at low, moderate, or high risk of passing away within the next seven days. We implement our Journey’s End Protocol that we developed based on the patient’s risk level to ensure we meet the patient and family needs. This protocol focuses on increased visits and offering additional support to ensure we are providing the patient and family the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual support that is so vital to ensuring a peaceful end-of-life experience.”
Ivy Burnes, Operations Support Analyst, shown in the photo at right with JJ Woolf, HCHB Account Executive, received the award on behalf of the company on June 16, 2022, at the HCHB users conference.
Filed under: BrightSpring Health Services, Media Hub