Cameron is a supportive and respectful direct support professional (DSP) with ResCare Community Living in Lanham, Maryland, and he won the LEGACY of Care Award in the “C – Communication” category. Cameron was also the second “overall winner” of the awards program for embodying every category of BrightSpring’s LEGACY Standards!
The C – Communication category focuses on keeping “everyone in the know,” something Cameron excels at! As a DSP, Cameron has several audiences he must communicate with on a regular basis, such as clients, their families, co-workers and management. Great communicators know how to cater their messages for its intended audience, and this is something Cameron quickly grasped.
For example, Cameron has learned what works and doesn’t work for everyone he supports. He believes its important to have an effective relationship, so he helps individuals establish realistic goals and a potential strategy to reach them. He’s also spent time explaining the importance of communicating problems, emotions, etc. He’s talked things through so well with one individual, that his negative behaviors have decreased significantly.
Additionally, Cameron is in constant contact with the individual’s families. He will encourage the family members to reach out to individuals, share important updates, arrange family gatherings, etc. It’s not uncommon for clients to invite Cameron to the family gatherings, as they consider him apart of the family!
Awesome job, Cameron! Keeping everyone in the know is just one reason you’re an award-winning DSP!