BrightSpring Hospice Foundation Participates in Giving Tuesday
BrightSpring Health Services / November 16, 2020
On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, the BrightSpring Hospice Foundation will be participating in Giving Tuesday, a celebration of giving happening across the US and in over 60 countries worldwide. Formed in 2016, the BrightSpring Hospice Foundation was created to assist hospice patients and their families with essential non-hospice support that they are unable to otherwise afford. Since its creation, the Foundation has assisted families with expenditures for end-of-life needs beyond the limitations of hospice services that have included cremations/funeral services of patients, comfort care and personal items for patients, home care and sitting services, and even reuniting families for a final visit.
BrightSpring Hospice Foundation Helps Support Hospice Patients and Their Families
- 88-year-old hospice patient, Frank was being cared for by his sister, Joyce. Frank was extremely hard of hearing and because of this, he and Joyce hardly spoke to each other. Unable to purchase expensive hearing aids, a hospice chaplain requested assistance through the BrightSpring Hospice Foundation. The Foundation provided the PowerEar® product and Frank was finally able to communicate with his sister. The $60 investment made a significant difference in the final day of this patient’s life – he passed away later that night.
- A social worker for a 53-year-old hospice patient discovered that the patient did not have any immediate family to help make end-of-life plans. The social worker requested assistance for end-of-life expenses through the BrightSpring Hospice Foundation and received $750 towards cremation expenses.
- A hospice social worker was assigned a 75-year-old hospice patient who lived in rural Texas with his wife and several other family members. The patient’s wife was a substitute teacher who had been unable to work since she’d become her husband’s primary caregiver when he was admitted to hospice. When the social worker heard the family was in a need of a window air conditioning unit, she reached out to the BrightSpring Hospice Foundation to help the family cover the cost of a new air conditioner. The unit came just in time to beat the summer heat, allowing the family to have some much-needed comfort during this difficult time.
- Bob was a 74-year-old Vietnam Vet. He had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer with a few months to live. When the VA contacted our hospice services, we learned Bob was also homeless. He had some pension money every month but not enough to pay the required first and last month deposits. The hospice social worker went to work and found a month to month rental that only required a one-month deposit. Through the BrightSpring Hospice Foundation, Bob was given the rental deposit, as well as bedding, kitchen supplies, and enough food until Bob’s next check showed up – all in all about $1,000. Bob was able to pay for the remaining expenses and passed about two months later.
The BrightSpring Hospice Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that serves all eligible patients in need. Donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines.
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