Home Health Care / November 13, 2020
BrightSpring is proud to announce that three All Ways Caring HomeCare caregivers have received the $500 CellTrak Home Care Aide Scholarship.
The scholarships, awarded by The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC), in partnership with CellTrak, are being awarded throughout November in celebration of National Home Care Month. The scholarship was created to celebrate and recognize home care aides who are vital to the industry.
“Our home care aides are integral to our business,” said Rexanne Domico, President of BrightSpring’s Home Health Care and Rehabilitation Services. “The connection they have with their clients and the effort they put into their care is what makes them exceptional, and I’m so proud that they are being recognized for their work.”
Carolyn Camby
Asheville, North Carolina
Carolyn has patience and she is very dependable and trustworthy. She demonstrates an extraordinary commitment and provides exceptional support to her client. Carolyn cares for her client with dignity and love. She is not just a staff member in the home. She is always considerate and thoughtful. Carolyn and her client have a bond and relationship which makes her client feel secure because all of her needs are met.
Carolyn is very professional in all her caregiving duties. She goes above and beyond to make sure her client’s needs are met, such as meal prep, doctors’ appointments, church services, and even companionship. Carolyn achieves this high level of service even though she is battling some health issues herself.
It is essential that a great caregiver feel the desire to want to help. By showing both empathy and compassion, a caregiver will let the person know that they care about them. This is exactly what Carolyn does – not because she has to, but because she wants to.
Lucille Burnett
Augusta, Geogia
Lucille embodies what it is to be a caregiver and is a valued member of the team. She always has a positive spirit about her.
When Lucille’s long-time client began to decline, he almost chose to give up, but Lucille knew he could do more than he realized. His wife had mentioned long walks they used to take together and how she missed that. In speaking to her client, he also missed the walks and thought this would add to his quality of life. So step by step, she encouraged the client to get out of the bed, then make it to the front yard, building him up for walks with his wife. Although not as long as they used to be, and in a wheelchair or with much assistance, the walks provided activity and time with his wife that proved to be very healthy for the couple. Lucille really had to use creative motivation to get her client up and moving again. She took the time to understand what would motivate him and did so with patience and understanding over a long period of time.
Our caregivers are also there to support the personal caregiver of their clients. Lucille’s client’s wife was unable to run errands or participate in relationships with other family members until Lucille began serving them. With Lucille, the wife was able to get out of the house, attend functions, run errands, and go to her own doctor’s appointments, improving her health and wellness. Lucille even runs errands off the clock to assist in the client’s overall care.
During in-services, Lucille always reminds fellow caregivers of our overall purpose in caring for others and the fulfillment she receives in doing so. She always has timesheets in on-time and uses electronic visit verification, reminding her colleagues of the importance of doing so to support the overall team’s goals in providing quality care to the community.
Not only did Lucille assist in the overall health and emotional well-being of her client, but strengthened the relationship with his wife and the wife’s relationship with others.
Lucille exemplifies everything that a caregiver should be through her selfless actions for her clients.
Cynthia Camacho
Home Care Aide and Behavioral Specialist
Vancouver, Washington
No matter what type of client Cynthia is with, she makes them feel special and that they matter. She knows how to be firm and hold the line, especially when her clients demonstrate different types of challenging behaviors. She is a behavioral specialist and works with people who have autism spectrum disorder. She is also bilingual. Cynthia has created token boards for some of her clients that have helped them meet their short- and long-term goals.
She always has a positive attitude, is professional and punctual, and her clients adore her! For one particular client who was on the verge of being institutionalized, Cynthia didn’t give up and worked with them to ensure success.
Cynthia is all about her clients – their needs, their wants, and helping them achieve their goals. Her awesome attitude and smile are contagious, and her clients look forward to her visits.
Filed under: Home Health Care, Media Hub