Community and Rehab Care - Community Living / August 4, 2021
As part of the BrightSpring National Lecture Series, SVP and Chief Medical Officer Dr. William Mills presented online on July 21, 2021, on ResCare Community Living’s use of data dashboards in the year of COVID-19. A recording of the webinar is available for replay, and the slides are available for review and download via SideServe.
On Wednesday, July 21, 2021, Dr. William Mills, MD, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, and John Mudgett, Senior Vice President, Business Development, shared data to reflect that ResCare clients experience significantly lower rates of COVID-19 than in other long-term care settings despite high risk factors.
ResCare Community Living continues to focus on providing quality outcomes, through best-in-class services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Our programs are committed to the foundational pillars of Quality, Innovation, and Person-Centered Care. We are eager to announce new research that aligns with our commitment to these pillars by demonstrating our effectiveness in keeping our clients safe:
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) recently released a study citing that the strongest independent risk factor for receiving a COVID-19 diagnosis and the strongest independent risk factor, other than age, for dying from COVID-19 is having an intellectual disability.*
This NEJM study was completed during the same time frame as ResCare’s COVID-19 research that was published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.**
ResCare serves more than 11,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) across the United States. ResCare clients experienced lower rates of COVID-19 than in other congregate care settings. During the first 100 days of the COVID-19 pandemic, even with higher-risk population, our residential, community and intermediate care facilities experienced a low instance (1.3%) of the virus compared to the national average (27%).
(Run time: ~1h)
*Gleason, Jonathan, MD, Ross, Wendy, MD, Fossi, Alexander, MPHc, Blonsky, Heather, MAS, Tobias, Jane, DNP, RN, MSN, CPNPPC,Stephens, Mary, MD. The Devastating Impact of Covid-19 on Individual with Intellectual Disabilities in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine.
**Mills WR, Sender S, Lichtefeld J, Romano N, Reynolds K, Price M, Phipps J, White L, Howard S, Poltavski D, Barnes R. Supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disability during the first 100 days of the COVID-19 outbreak in the USA. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2020, 64: 489-496.
Filed under: Community and Rehab Care - Community Living, Media Hub