ResCare Community Living – Ivana Meza

The Way We Lead / January 21, 2025

ResCare Community Living Direct Support Professional Ivana Meza has been Working Smart and Doing Good in Tucson, AZ.

Ivana goes above and beyond for her clients. In addition to being conscientious about their medications and organizing the home to improve comfort and efficiency, Ivana also makes home-cooked meals that each individual looks forward to.

Ivana knows that having a good relationship with her clients is essential to providing quality support. She takes the time to sit with each person and talk to them about their day. She values their feedback and listens to how they are feeling. She also offers interesting activities and ensures the clients work toward their objectives to help them be as independent as possible.

Site Supervisor Abisai Saavedra says, “Ivana is the sunshine of the group home. Her smile and personality shine, and she can make a bad situation better with her personality. She always comes to work with an optimistic mindset, and she makes staff and clients happy with her positivity and ready-to-work attitude.”

Ivana, your commitment to a people-focused Environment in your home is evident through your daily actions. Thank you for prioritizing strong relationships with others and in turn helping them to live their best lives.


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