Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update

BrightSpring takes all outbreak threats very seriously. While we have always had an organizational disaster and pandemic plan in place, our Outbreak Preparedness and Action Committee is working to respond to both the rapid pace of information and the concerns that people in the community have about COVID-19. The Committee is focused on preparedness plans for each business for the safety and care of employees, customers, patients and clients.

BrightSpring released a revised company-wide Infection Control and Prevention Policy, updated travel policies and visitor management protocols at all locations. These policies continue to be updated in response to the fluid situation and provide enhanced protection for the patients, clients, customers, communities and employees we serve.

We will continue to monitor the situation and have provided resources below for reference.

Enterprise Outbreak Preparedness Plan


Return to Work

Cleaning & Disinfection


Employee Reference

Patient/Client Reference

Outings and Day Programs

CDC Posters

Employee Screening

Patient/Client Screening

Visitor Screening

Visitor Notification


Talent Acquisition